We are both “makers” and take satisfaction in the creation of something new. We enjoy complex puzzles, and pride ourselves on our creative problem solving skills.
The archetypal designer and developer share a rebellious spirit as well.
Engineers refer to themselves as “hackers” and “pirates”. They are romanticized in media like Mr. Robot and The Social Network for defining their own rules beyond the norms of society.
Similarly, designers are outsiders. We’re the slackers, the weirdos, the “freaks” to engineering’s “geeks”. The ones willing to eschew societal conventions in the name of self-expression.
However, this rebellious nature is tempered with practicality. We have both found our place within the structured environment of the business world because, frankly, that’s where our talents are monetarily rewarded.
On the flip side, the differences between us can most easily be summarized by the “left brain / right brain” theory.
In overly generalized terms: engineers tend to be more left brain dominant. Utilizing logic, facts, linear thinking, and a methodical approach. Whereas designers tend to be right brain dominant. Relying on emotions, feelings, imagination, and a holistic approach to problem solving.
These dualistic approaches complement each other in the product development lifecycle. When they are applied in equal parts, and in a collaborative environment, they produce far better results than either would working in isolation.
Why Should Developers Learn Visual Design?
For the same reason designers should learn more about development. To create better product experiences.The more developers and designers understand the systems the other is working within, the easier we can communicate, which in turn makes our experiences working together that much more effective, efficient, and fun.